About Us

“Our school plays an important role in shaping the socio-economic education of children”

Durgapur public institute is the brain child of Late Prof. S.Chatterjee and Late Prof. M Mukherjee(Chaterjee). Durgapur public institute is a co educational English medium institute founded by Indian institute of Psychometry Kolkata in 2006. iip is dedicated to provide advanced yet simple solution to challenging problems in the field of Psychometry and establishment of institutes in the country to develop and nourish human resources at all levels. with these background in mind Durgapur public institute is founded by iip to develop and build up human resources from child for tomorrow.



Our mission is to produce useful citizen for the self,society and mankind to enable child lead an active and efficient life to enable a child’s confidence in taking life as a journey and not as a challenge to enable a child in all round development in a nutshell our mission is to provide a coherent picture of the universe and an integrated way to life and also to provide a uniform environment to all the students through they are coming from different socital and economic background.


“Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached”

The Vision is not just to pack the children with information and knowledge but also to inculcate all round development of physical, mental, moral and spiritual (inculcation of humanism) with debates, music, physical and social-cultural development.

Different from Others

We at DPI strongly believe that education is not something that is fed into the mind of pupil by the teacher; it is a process of interactions between students and their development. Learning results from such interactions and stimulus response sequences. It is , Therefore, imperative to create a suitable ambience where learning takes place or happens automatically. A suitable educational ambience consists of adequate infrastructure, peaceful natural surroundings, competent and well-accomplished staff and thoughtfully devised and planned educational programme conductive to and designed to contribute to a harmonious growth and development of the child’s personality.